Breathing Through Smog

I’ve been feeling out of sorts.  Ten years ago – a whole decade ago – I packed up my then eight-year-old son and a few suitcases and we shipped ourselves off to Wuhan, China. I wasn’t only the only single mother there – I was the only high school teacher parenting a child while livingContinueContinue reading “Breathing Through Smog”

4 Lessons from Motherhood

I still remember that beautiful day. The day I got to hold the sweetest being in my arms, having my first picture with her and being all smiley even after a long labour, which ended unexpectedly in an emergency caesarean section. Stepping into the identity of a mum and going on this motherhood journey hasContinueContinue reading “4 Lessons from Motherhood”

Repairing Ruptures in Parent-Child Relationships

By Melissa Xuereb, Parent Coach at Parenting Takes Courage At the invitation of Sherry Yuan Hunter here at Sandwich Parenting, I will be writing a semi-regular blog about Empowered Parenting. Olivia (left) and Charlie (right). Daughter and son of Melissa and Thomas Xuereb. Photo credit: Elizabeth Anne Photography This morning as the rain poured, Charlie,ContinueContinue reading “Repairing Ruptures in Parent-Child Relationships”

If I Were a Remote…

Our remote control had been missing for over a week. Yup. It’s not an easy thing to live without I must admit and it was gone.

Parenting Unconsciously and Conditionally

I believe that most of us have been parenting unconsciously. We think we are doings rationally and logically, but a lot of our interactions with our children are completely based on how we feel at the moment.