Responsive Parenting

Repeating yourself to a young child is rarely going to help them do as you say. Let’s imagine you’ve asked your toddler to stop hitting her brother and she doesn’t… you demand one more time with increased volume and annoyance in your tone, “I said stop hitting!”  Photo by Liza Summer on This childContinueContinue reading “Responsive Parenting”

Repairing Ruptures in Parent-Child Relationships

By Melissa Xuereb, Parent Coach at Parenting Takes Courage At the invitation of Sherry Yuan Hunter here at Sandwich Parenting, I will be writing a semi-regular blog about Empowered Parenting. Olivia (left) and Charlie (right). Daughter and son of Melissa and Thomas Xuereb. Photo credit: Elizabeth Anne Photography This morning as the rain poured, Charlie,ContinueContinue reading “Repairing Ruptures in Parent-Child Relationships”

Managing Triggers

One of the most frustrating things in the world is that explosion of rage when our kids (or partners, or friends, or colleagues) exhibit ‘undesirable’ behaviour. We THINK it’s because they are ‘behaving badly’ and that means that we need to work harder to CONTROL the situation. Then comes the shame and, for some, theContinueContinue reading “Managing Triggers”

If I Were a Remote…

Our remote control had been missing for over a week. Yup. It’s not an easy thing to live without I must admit and it was gone.

Parenting Unconsciously and Conditionally

I believe that most of us have been parenting unconsciously. We think we are doings rationally and logically, but a lot of our interactions with our children are completely based on how we feel at the moment.

The Body Keeps the Score by Bessel van der Kolk

In The Body Keeps the Score: Brain, Mind, and Body in the Healing of Trauma, van der Kolk combines his experience with his clients with recent and evolving scientific studies into a single resource for anyone working with trauma survivors. This is a must read for anyone who is eager to heal from their trauma, which could be from one event (like PTSD) or continual trauma (like Complex PTSD).

“I’m going to teach you a lesson…”

Joline Lim shares intimately her story of origin and how she came to be an advocate and coach for respectful parenting. What are the lessons learnt? Not learnt?

The Power of Showing Up by Siegal and Bryson

Starting and ending on hope, this parenting book explains the why and how of showing up is the only thing a parent needs to do.

Parenting from the Inside Out by Siegel and Hartzell

Parenting from the Inside Out: How a Deeper Self-Understanding Can Help You Raise Children Who Thrive by Daniel J. Siegel and Mary Hartzell is a handbook for all parents, a must read!